Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites used by millions of people. If you have started using Instagram too much and want to reduce your Instagram habits, then you can deactivate / disable your Instagram account for some time or even delete the account forever. But you do not know how to delete Instagram account and how to deactivate Instagram account (How To Delete Instagram Account), then in this article we will give you complete information about it.
Nowadays everyone uses Instagram, Instagram has become the most popular app in such a short time. On which you can stay connected with your friends and do many types of posts. But are you worried about Instagram privacy threats? Or need a break from social media? Whatever be the reason, in this article we will tell about How you Permanently Delete Instagram ID and Instagram Deactivate.
This is absolutely safe app for users but still you have to deactivate Instagram then you have 2 ways for this one way is to Permanently Delete Instagram Account and the other way is to Deactivate Temporary Instagram Account. But you do not know how to permanently delete Instagram Account or Deactivate, then this post will help you.
Note: To delete or deactivate your Instagram account, you need to use a web browser on your smartphone or a web browser on desktop. You cannot delete or deactivate it through the app.

How to Delete Instagram ID?
If you want to delete your Instagram account Permanently then follow this method. Once Instagram account is deleted, you cannot recover your Followers, Likes, Comments. Let us know about how to delete ID on Instagram (Instagram ID Kaise Delete Kare) through some easy steps:
1. Open the browser on your mobile or computer.
The option to delete Instagram is only shown in the browser. Not in Instagram app, so use mobile or computer browser to delete account.
2. First of all, open the Delete Your Instagram Account Page of and “Log In” by entering your Instagram Login ID and Password.
3. Once logged in, go to the Delete Your Account page and select the reason by clicking on “Why are you Deleting Your Account”.
4. Once you have selected one of the options, you will be asked to re-enter your password to confirm that you want to permanently delete your Instagram account. When you enter the password of Instagram ID, then the option of “Permanently Delete Your Account” will appear in front of you.
5. Now if you want to delete your account permanently, then click on the option of “Permanently Delete My Account”.
So friends, this was the complete process of how to permanently delete Instagram account (Instagram Account Kaise Delete Kare). One thing to note is that, you will need a browser to deactivate Instagram account, because there is no such process in Instagram’s app. In this way you know how to delete your Insta account permanently (How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently) step by step.
How to deactivate Instagram account?
If you want to delete the account for a short time or you want to use the account again later, then you can deactivate it for some time. So follow the Instagram Deactivate Account Process mentioned below:
1. First of all, open any browser on your mobile or computer and open the website and “Log In” your Instagram account in it.
2. After logging in to the Insta account, click on the profile icon and then click on the “Edit Profile” option.
3. Now a new page will open, you have to download the scroll and go to the bottom, there you will get the option of “Temporarily Disable My Account” and click on it. As you can see in the below screenshots.
4. As soon as you click on the Temporary Disable My Account option, some other options will appear in front of you. First of them, in the option “Why Are You Deleting Your Account”, one has to select the reason why you want to deactivate the account.
5. Now you have to enter your Instagram password and enter your password where it says “Temporarily Disable Account”.
6. Now finally click on the ‘Temporarily Disable Account’ button. Hey friends, your Instagram account has been temporarily disabled. Meaning, until you reactivate your Instagram account, your photos, comments and likes will be hidden.
If friends, you follow this method, then you can deactivate your account again anytime and you can activate your Instagram account by logging in again next time.
Things to keep in mind before deleting Instagram ID:
- Once you delete your Instagram account, it cannot be recovered.
- You will lose all of your photos, videos, comments, and likes.
- You will also lose the ability to use your username.
- If you change your mind, you can request to have your account restored within 30 days of deletion. After 30 days, your account will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.
Also Read & Learn:
Hopefully friends, whenever you want to deactivate or delete Instagram account, you will get a lot of help from today’s post How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently and Instagram ID Deactivate. If you liked the post, then like it and also tell your friends how to delete Instagram account. If you have any suggestion or question then you can ask by commenting in the comment box.